Tonderai Mujuru and Keith Zenda, as well as the renowned sculptor Sampson Kuvenguhwa, showcased their incredible work. Our Lady of Honor, Ropafadzaishe Rushwaya, delivered an inspiring speech, and Mistress of Ceremony Sarah Kuvenguhwa handled the event with grace and professionalism. The speeches from our curators were well-received and on point, leading to the crowning moment—the grand opening of our online exhibition on Three captivating halls were unveiled: Hall 1 showcased 16 male fine artists, Hall 2 featured 3 remarkable female artists, and Hall 3 was dedicated to the great sculptor Sampson Kuvenguhwa.The evening concluded with a beautifully prepared buffet by Tastee Bites Catering, so exceptional that we dedicated an entire video to promote this outstanding company. It was a Vernissage to remember, and we look forward to many more..